This is the hub for information about our training program and the opportunities and materials to participate in it. The Pathway to Sonship Training is a graduated, systematic, multilevel training that teaches us how to engage God in our realm and in His at deeper and deeper levels of intimacy. This journey into the heart of God combines both cognitive and experiential approaches. We have developed our Level 1 training which is four separate classes that ouline each of our four original books starting with the Pathway to Sonship, From Salvation to Transfiguration. The Semester 1, 2, and 3 classes contain weekly book teachings, custom ascension and activation exercises with companion study guides to help students better grasp the material.
“This training program will help you to transition from
a Church Age mentality to a Kingdom Age reality.” _____________________________________________________________

Our LIVE SEMESTER 2 CLASS on Tuesday’s at 7 pm (EST) is underway. This 12-week Semester 2 Class reviews the Vol. 2 Practicum Book: Engaging God in our Realm and in His and includes activations and ascensions. Click here for a complete schedule.
Click here to register.
SEMESTER 1 CLASS – Our SELF-PACED Semester 1 Pathway to Sonship video class also available. For a limited time we are offering a discounted price of $80 pp (reg. $120) for this 10-week online only program. Click here for an Overview of Semester 1 Program and/or Click here to register for the Semester 1 program. You will be send a password to start the program and access our online Student Portal.